
What’s up with the generalization everytime something major happens? It’s sad to see groups of people being targeted. I’ve always advocated and even had disagreements with my own family and friends.

As a person, I wish to believe and acknowledge that not all people are bad people. Sure, we have a few bad ones but not ALL people are bad.

This is one of the examples I always use. If my own blood family member, went out and killed someone, am I automatically a criminal as well? Because I’m related to that person, it makes me a bad person?

I think as an individual, we choose to believe or think that we are good or have done enough good deeds. If we can believe this about ourselves, why can’t others be the same? Why must we generalize and target whole groups?

This is just something that’s been bugging me. Maybe I need to get off social media because reading people’s comments on posts and articles are shocking.